- Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat. Real-time visual servoing P.K.Allen(et al.)
- Computational Neurosci., NYU Med. Center, Tech. Rep. CNS-TR-11-86 Space-variant image processing Ⅳ : Contour-based blending of multi-fixation log views of a scene Y.Yeshurum;E.L.Schwartz
- Computational Neurosci., NYU Med. Center, Tech. Rep. CNS-TR-10-86 Space-variant image processing Ⅱ : Image blending of multi-fixation logarithmic views E.Wolfson;Y.Yeshurun;E.L.Schwartz
- Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Combining Vision based Information and Partial Geometric Models in Automatic Grasping C.Laugier;A.Ijel;J.Troccaz
- スペ一ス,知能を身に着け宇宙に飛び立つ 日經メカ二カル
- 計測と制御 v.28 no.12 世界における宇宙ロボツトの硏究開發動向 狼
- IEEE Trans., Syst., ManCybern v.21 no.1 Real Time vision feedback for servoing of a Robotic manipulator with self-tuning controller A.J.Koive;N.Houshngi
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation A Parts Picking System with a Range Finder and a Camera System Nobuhiro OKADA;Tadashi NAGA-TA
- IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation v.7 no.1 Weighted Selection of Image Features for Resolved Rate Visual Feedback Control J.T.Feddema;C.S.George,Lee;O.R.Mitchell