- NMF 701 Performance Reporting Definitions Document NMF
- Proceedings of 6th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management SLA Management in Federated Environments P.Bhoj;S.Singhal;S.Chutani
- IEICE Transactions on Communications v.E82-B no.11 Web-based Intranet/Internet Service Mangement with QoS Support J.T.Park;J.W.Baek
- Microeconomics A.Mas-Colell
- Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms E.Horowithz;S.Sahni
- Knapsack Problems: Algorithms and Computer Implementations S.Martello;P.Toth
- Voice Over Data Networks G.Held
- TOMQAT Deliverables 12 Dynamic QoS Management Framework for IBC Networks TOMQAT Project