- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications v.13 Quality of service quarantess in virtual circuit switched networks R.L.Cruz
- ATM Forum Traffic Management Specification(Version 4.0) S.Sathaye
- IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. v.8 no.3 A scheme for real-time channel establishment in wide-area networks D.Ferrari;D.C.Verma
- Proc. of the 13th Real-Time Systems Symposium Optimal synchronous capacity allocation for hard real-time communications with the timed token protocol Biao Chen;Gopal Agrawal;Wei Zhao
- IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking v.1 no.3 A generalized processor sharing approach to flow control in integrated services networks: The single-node case Abhay K, Parekh;Robert G. Gallager
- Proc. IEEE INFOCOM'94 A self-clooked fair queueing scheme for broadband applications S.Jamaloddin Golestani
- ACM Trans. Computer Systems v.9 no.2 Virtual clok: a new traffic control algorithm for packet switching L.Zhnag
- Proc. ICC'94 v.2 An Improved Scheduling Algorithm for Weighted Round-Robin Cell Multiplexing in an ATM Switch T.Wang;T.Lin;K.Gan
- Proc. IEEE GLOBCOM'96 v.3 Performance Analysis of Per-VC Queueing S.Archambault;J.Yan
- IEICE Transactions on Communications v.E81-B no.5 Performance Analysis of Weighted round robin Cell Scheduling and its Improvement in ATM Networks Shimonishi,H.;Suzuki,H.
- IEEE J. Sel Areas Commun. v.SAC-9 Weighted round-robin cell multiplexing in a general purpose ATM switch chip Katevenis,M.;Sidiropoulos,S.;Courcoubetis,C.
- Proceedings of the Globecom'98 v.1 Designing of a Weighted Fair Queueing Cell Scheduling for ATM Network Yuhua Chen;Jonathan S. Turner
- 통신학회 2000년도 하계학술발표회 논문집(상) 셀 지연과 버퍼 이용률을 개선한 WRR 셀 스케쥴링 알고리즘 유영일;강병탁;김관웅;조해성;정경택;전병실