- IEEE Transacions on Computers v.44 no.3 The Importance of Prepass Code Scheduling for Superscalar and Superpipelined Processors Pohua P.Chang;Daniel M.Lavery;Scott A.Mahlke;William Y.Chen;wen-mei W.Hwu
- Proc. Inter. Conf. Para. Pro. An analytical approach to scheduling code for superscalar and VLIW architectures Shyh-Kwei Chen;W.Kent Fuchs;WenMei W.Hwn
- Journal of KISS v.24 no.5 Performance Modeling of Superscalar Processors using Multiple Branch Prediction Jong-bok Lee;Wonyong Sung
- IEEE Micro v.17 no.5 Superscalar instruction issue Dezso Sima
- Proc. Trans. Comp v.37 no.8 A VLIW architecture for a trace scheduling compiler Robert P.Colwell;Robert P.Nix(etc.)
- Proc.28th Inter. Symp. Micro Dynamic Rescheduling : A technique for object code compatibility in VLIW architecture Thomas M.Conte;Sumedh W.Sathaye
- Proc. Inter. Corf. Para. Pro. A percolation based VLIW architecture Arthur Abnous;Roni Potasman;Alex Nicolau
- Trans. Para. Dist. Sys. v.5 no.6 Pipelinging and bypassing in a VLIW processor Arthur Abnous;Nader Bagherzadeh
- Journal of KIPS v.4 no.9 Performance Improvement of SVLIW Architectures by Removing LNOPs from an Object Code Boyoun Jeong;Joongnam Jeon;Sukil Kim
- 忠北大學敎 碩士學位 論文 A Design of SVLW Processor with Dynamic Resource Collision Remove Unit Boyoun Jeong
- Journal KISS v.24 no.4 Design of VLIW architectures minimizing dynamic resource Collisions Boyoun Jeong;Joongnam Jeon;Sukil Kim
- Journal IEEE Korea Council v.1 no.1 Performance analysis of caching instructions on SVLIW processor and VLIW processor SungHyun Jee;No Kwang Park;Sukil Kim
- Journal KISS v.26 no.3 Performance evaluation of data dependence removable instruction pipelines Sung Hyun Jee;No Kwang Park;Sukil Kim
- PDPTA'96 Inter.Conf. Hybrid processor based on VLIW and PN-Superscalar Shusuke Okamoto;Masahiro Sowa
- Proceedings of the 10th KIPS Instruction Execution Performance Analysis for PASC Processor NoKwang Park;Sunghyun jee;Sukil Kim
- 忠北大學校 碩士學位 論文 A Design and Performance NoKwang Park
- Journal KIPS v.6 no.5 PASC Processor Architecture for Enhanced Loop Execution Sung Hyun Jee;No Kwang Park;Sukil Kim
- 忠北大學校 碩士學位 論文 A Design of A Processor Architecture for Codes With Explicit Data Dependencies Sung-Hyun Jee