- Proc. Millitary Commun. Conf. (MILCOM '93) v.1 Multiple access with time-hopping impulse modulation R.A.Scholtz
- IEEE Commun. Lett. v.2 Impulse radio : How it works M.Z.Win;R.A.Scholtz
- Wireless Communications Impulse radio R.A.Scholtz;M.Z.Win;S.G.Glisic(ed.);P.A.Leppanen(ed.)
- Proc. Military Commun. Conf. (MILCOM '98) v.1 A novel wireless communications S.Kolenchery;J.K.Townsend;J.A.Freebersyser
- Tech. Report Impulse radio overiew P.Withington
- 1st Int'l Ultra Wideband Conference Presentation Material
- Presentation Material at National Radio Science Meeting Time-modulated ultra wideband radio measurement and spectrum management issues Time Domain Corp.
- ET Docket No. 98-153 Notice of Inquiry in the Matter of Revision of Part 15 of the Commission's Rules Regarding Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems Federal Communications Commission
- IEEE Commun. Lett. v.2 On the robustness of ultra-wide bandwidth signals in dense multipath environments M.Z.Win;R.A.Scholtz
- Proc. Int'l Conf. Commun. (ICC '97) v.1 Ultra-wide bandwidth signal propagation for indoor wireless communications M.Z.Win;R.A.Scholtz
- Proc. Vehicular Technol. Conf. (VTC'97) v.1 Ultra-wide bandwidth(UWB) signal propagation for outdoor wireless communications M.Z.Win;F.Ramirez-Mireles;R.A.Scholtz
- Proc. Int'l Tech. Conf. on Circuits/Systems, Computers & Commun. (ITC-CSCC '99) v.2 A performance analysis of ultra wideband time hopping impulse radio communication systems Y.Shin;J.Ahn;s.Im
- 제9회 통신정보 종합학술대회 (JCCI'99) 논문집 v.1 초광대역 시간도약 임펄스 무선 전송 시스템의 성능 분석 안진철;신요안
- Spread Spectrum Communications Handbook M.K.Simon(et. al.)
- submitted to Int'l Symp. Intelligent Signal Proc. & Commun. Syst. (ISPACS 2000) Effect of timing Jitters in an ultra wideband impulse radio system Y.Shin;J.Ahn
- 1999년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회 논문집 v.하 초광대역 시간 도약 임펄스 무선 전송 시스템에서 타이밍 지터에 의한 성능 열화 안진철;신요안