- Proceedings of GLOBECOM'90 Analysis of packet reservation multiple access : voice data integration for wireless networks S.Nanda
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications v.14 no.9 Performance of a joint CDMA/PRMA Protocol for Mixed Voice/Data Transmission for Third Generation Mobile Communication Alex E. Brand(et al.)
- Proceedings of PIMRC'97 An Investigation of Permission Probability Control in Reserved/Random CDMA Packet Radio Communicaions Kazuro MORI;Koji OGURA
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications v.14 no.9 A Reservation Random-Access Protocol for Voice/Data Integrated Spread-Spectrum Multiple-Access Systems Lijun Tan(et al.)
- 한국 통신 학회 논문지 v.24 no.12 다중 트래픽 지원을 위한 CDMA 예약 ALOHA 방안의 성능 분석 조춘근;허경;이연우;차균현
- IEEE Communications Magazine H.263 : Video Coding for Low-Bit-rate Communication Karel Rijkse
- Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology conference Multi-rate Schemes in DS/CDMA Systems Tony Ottosson(et al.)
- Proceedings of PIMRC '94 Performance analysis of DS-CDMA with slotted ALOHA access for packet pcns Zhao Liu;M.E.Zarki
- Proceedings of IEEE ICC '92 A Generalized ATM Traffic Model and its Application in Bandwidth Allocation S.Kowtha;D.R.Vaman
- Proceedings of ISSSTA'98 Multi-Media Integration in CDMA Networks E.Geraniotis(et al.)
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology v.47 no.4 WCDMA-The Radio Interface for Future Mobile Multimedia Communications Erik Dahlman(et al.)
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology v.45 no.1 The Sub-Rating Channel Assignment Strategy for PCS Handoffs Yi-Bing Lin(et al.)
- Proceedings of IEEE ICC'97 Dynamic Slot Allocation Multiple Access Protocol for Wireless ATM Networks Xiaowen Wu(et al.)
- IEEE Transactions on Communications v.COM-23 no.6 Performance analysis of random access packet-switched code division multiple access systems D.Raychaudhuri
- Proceedings of APCC/ICCS'98 Performance of CDMA slotted ALOHA in cellular environment Choon-Geun Cho(et al.)