- International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing Challenges in fault detection J.A.Abraham
- 한국통신학회논문지 v.24 no.12-A 합선고장을 위한IDDQ 테스트 패턴 발생기의 구현 전병실(외)
- IDDQ Testing for CMOS VLSI R.Rajsuman
- 서울대학교 반도체공동연구소 연구보고서 기능테스트와 IDDQ테스트를 위한 자체 점검BIST회로의 설계 전병실(외)
- IEEE VLSI Test Symposium Compact test generation for bridging faults under IDDQ testing R.S.Reddy;I.Pomerantz;S.M.Reddy;S.Kajihara
- PHD. Thesis Department of Computer Science State University of New York Evaluation selection and generation of IDDQ tests P.J.Thadikaran
- IEICE Trans. INF & SYST. v.E81-D no.7 An iterative improvement method for generating compact tests for IDDQ testing of bridging faults T.Shinogi;T.Hayahi
- IEEE Trans. Computers v.45 no.10 Simulation and generation of IDDQ tests for bridging faults in combinational circuits S.Chakravarty;P.J.Thadikaran