- 5th Annual Smart Antenna Workshop Transmit Diversity Tehchniques for WCDMA A.Hottinen;R.Wichman
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications A simple transmit antenna diversity technique for wireless communications S.M.Alamouti
- Statistical Methods of Radio Wave Propagation The m-distribution - A general formula of intensity distrubution of repid fading M.Nakagami;W.C.Hoffman(ed.)
- IEEE Transactions on Communication v.COM-42 Analysis of switched diversity systems on generalized-fading channels A.A.Abu-Dayya;N.C.Beaulieu
- IEEE Trans. Vehi. v.VT-30 Characteristic of a digital mobile radio channel T.Aulin
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.COM-25 A statistical model for urban multipath channels with random dalay H.Suzuki
- Table of Integrals, Series, and Products I.S.Gradshteyn;I.M.Ryzhik
- Memo AIM-239 Gosfer,R.W.;Item 42 in Beeler,M.;Gosper,R.W.;Schroeppel R.Hakmem(Item 42)
- Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory H.L.Van Trees
- Principles of Communications R.E.Ziemer;W.H.Tranter
- An Introduction to Statistical Communication Theory J.B.Thomas
- Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes A.Papoulis
- 한양대학교 석사논문 Nakagami 페이딩채널에서 수신 신호의 포락선 분포 임채헌