- IEEE Trans. On Comm. v.COM-24 no.5 Timing Recovery in Digital Synchronous Data Receivers Kurt H. Mueller;Markus Muller
- IEEE Trans. On Comm. v.COM-34 no.5 A BPSK.QPSK timing-error detection for sampled receivers Gardner,F.M.
- IEEE Trans. On Comm. v.36 Digital filter and square timing recovery for QAM data demodulator M.Oerder;H.Meyr
- IEEE Trans. Comm. v.44 A new approach for evaluating the performance of a symbol timing recovery system employing a general type of nonlinearity E.Panayirci;E.Y.Bar-Ness
- IEEE Comm. Letters v.1 no.3 Feedforward ML-Based Timing Estimation With PSK Signals M.Moreli;A.N.D'Andera;U.Mengali
- Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems v.3 Improved Feedforward ML Timing Estimation for PSK Signals G.N.Tavars;L.M.Tavars;M.S.Piedade
- IEEE Trans. Commu. v.41 Interpolation in digital modems-Park I : Fundamentals F.M.Gardner
- IEEE Trans. Commu. v.41 Interpolation in digital modems-Park II : Implementation and Performance L.Erup;F.M.Gardner;R.A.Harris
- IEEE Trans. Commu. v.42 no.2;3;4; The Modified Gramer-Rao Bound and its Application to Synchronization Problems A.N.D'andrea;U.Mengali;R.Reggiannini