EPIC Simulation of Water Quality from Land Application of Poultry Litter

  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


Two application rates (9 and 18 t/ha) of poultry litter and a recommended rate of commercial fertilizer were studied to determine their effects on nutrient (N and P) losses in surface and subsurface runoff and loadings in soil layers from conventionally-tilled com by the treatments. The model predicted higher sediment losses than observed data from all treatments. The overpredicted sediment losses resulted in overprediction of organic-N and sediment-P losses in surface runoff. Simulated soluble-P losses in surface runoff were close to observed data, while NO3-N losses in surface runoff were underpredicted from all treatments. Observed NO3-N concentrations in leachate at 1.0-m depth from commercial fertilizer treatment were fairly well predicted. But the concentratins were overpredicted from poultry litter treatments due to high simulation of organic-N mineralization simulated by the model.



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