보행통행 특성분석에 의한 보행환경개선 추진전략 연구

A Strategy of Pedestrian Environment Improvement through the Analysis on the Walking Transportation Characteristics in a Big City

  • 발행 : 2000.09.01


Today the pedestrian-related problems a key subject requiring the attention of the traffic engineers for improving the transportation system. Particularly in urban and CBD locations, the pedestrian presents an element of sharp conflict with vehicular traffic. Therefore pedestrian movements must be studied for the purpose of providing guideline for the design and operation of walking transportation systems. This paper is to address the characteristics of walking transportation in a big city. Especially the focuses are emphasized on the ratio occupied by pedestrian traffic among the whole unlinked trips in a city and walking time. The data for analysis are collected in Seoul metropolitan city through sampling 1,006 citizens. Compared with other similar research works this paper utilized diversified tools to acquire more useful results. Finally, policy directions for pedestrian environment improvement were suggested.



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