- The American Statistician v.51 Bayesian Binomial Regression : Redicting Survival at a Trauma Center Bedrick, E.J.;Christensen, R.;Johnson, W.
- Journal of American Statistical Association v.88 Approximate Inference in Generalized Linear Mixed Models Breslow, N.E.;Clayton, D.G.
- The American Statistician v.49 Understanding the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Chib, S.;Greenberg, E.
- Applied Statistics v.27 Beta-binomial Anova for Proportions Crowder, M.J.
- Biometrics v.85 Model Choice : a posterior predictive loss approach Gelfand, A.E.;Ghosh, S.K.
- Communication in Statistics, Theory and Methods v.20 Gibbs Sampling for Marginal Posterior Expectations Gelfand, A.E.;Smith, A.F.M.
- Statistica Sinica v.6 Posterior Predictive assessment of model fitness via realized discrepancies(with discussions) Gelman, A.;Meng, X.L.;Stern, H.
- Statistics Science v.7 Inference from Iterative Simulation (with discussion) Gelman, A.;Rubin, D.B.
- Journal of American Statistical Association v.93 Generalized Linear Models for Small-Area Estimation Ghosh, M.;Natarajan, K.;Stroud, T.W.F.;Carlin, B.P.
- Applied Statistics v.41 Adaptive Rejection Sampling for Gibbs Sampling Gilks, W.R.;Wild, P.
- Journal of American Statistical Association v.86 On Bayesian Analysis of Generalized Linear Models Using Jeffreys' Prior Ibrahim, J.G.;Laud, P.W.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. B v.57 Predictive model selection Laud, P.;Ibrahim, J.
- Biometrika v.59 Bayesian Methods for Binomial Data Leonard, T.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. B v.34 Bayes Estimates for the Linear Model (with discussion) Lindley, D.V.;Smith, A.F.M.
- Biometrika v.82 A Note on the Existence of the Posterior Distribution for a Class of Mixed Models for Binomial Responses Natarajan, R.;McCulloch, C.E.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. B v.24 Discussion on the Paper by Professor Lindley and Dr Smith Nelder, J.A.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. A v.135 Generalized Linear Models Nelder, J.A.;Wedderburn, R.W.M.
- Journal of American Statistical Association v.86 Generalized Linear Models with Random Effects : A Gibbs Sampling Approach Zeger, S.L.;Karim, M.R.
- Journal of Econometrics v.25 Bayesian Analysis of Dichotomous Quantal Response Models Zellner, A.;Rossi, P.E.
- Model Checking and Model Improvement Gelman, A.;Meng X.L.;W.R. Gilks(et al.)(ed.)