한.일 트랙터의 보유속도와 수요요인 비교

The Comparative Analysis of Holding Pace and Decision Factors of Tractor in Korea and Japan

  • Published : 2000.10.01


This study was performed to analyze the holding pace and decision factors of tractor in Korea and Japan, which probably should be used for making master plan of agricultural mechanization. The logistic function is used for holding pace estimation of tractor, and log-log function for analysis of decision factors. The results of this study are as follows: First, the increasing rate of the total amount of holding tractor power in Korea has been over that in Japan during 1980∼、94 which is now, however, under Japan. So, it could be forecasted that the per tractor holding power in Japan will increase continuously, and will be over 30PS in the short run. Second, the most important one of decision factors to support tractor demand is agricultural income in Korea, but on the other hand Non-Agricultural Income in Japan. From these, the fast increase of total amount of holding power of tractor in Korea could not expected, because Korea Agriculture has some difficulties to increase Agricultural Income. There are differences on the holding pace and decision factors of tractor between Korea and Japan, therefore, the plan of agricultural mechanization should be made in accordance with self-features.



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  8. Economic Analysis of U. S. Farm Mechanization Kisan R. Gunjal;Earl O, Heady