An XML-Based Modeling Language for the Open Trading of Decision Models

  • Kim, Hyoung-Do (Graduate School of Information and Communication Technology, Ajou University)
  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


These days, a modeling tool or environment has to know about the others on the market and build bridges to them with which their customers insist on sharing models and data. When it is based on a closed architecture, a tangle of import/export point translators is required. Using an exchange standard, we can design an open architecture for the interchange of models and data. XML(Extensible Markup Language) provides a framework for describing the syntax for creating and exchanging data structures. The explosive growth of XML-based business proposals and standards reflects the urgent requirements and its strength. This paper proposes an XML-based language for sharing decision models within the MSOR/DSS community. The language is able to allow applications and on-line analytic processing tools to models obtained from multiple sources without having to deal with individual differences between those sources. It is expected to be a medium for B2B integration by supporting flexible interchange of decision models.
