Comparative Study on Historical changes of Practical Arts Education and Technology-Home Economics Education in Korea and japan

한국과 일본의 실과 및 기술.가정과교육의 역사적 변천 비교

  • 박순자 (김포대학 패션디자인과) ;
  • 신상옥 (중앙대학교 가정교육과)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


Comparative Study on Historical Changes of Practical Arts Education and Technology-Home Economics Education in Korea and Japan This dissertation is a comparative study on Practical Arts(Home Economics) Education and Technology-Home Economics Education of Korea and Japan. I established two research objectives to conduct the research : To understand the differences in historical changes in Practical Arts Education and Technology-Home Economics of the two countries: And to grope for the new direction of Home Economics Education. Research findings are as follows : Japan was also ahead of Korea for about two decades in terms of putting Home Economics Education in practice at elementary schools. Practical Arts Education Started to emerge in Elementary school system in 1955, which had been originated in vocational education before the year 1945 in Korean However, from the 3th curriculum Practical Arts Education Curriculum put emphasis on home lives. Regarding the characteristics of education from the perspectives of historical changes at Korean Junior-high schools after the year 1945. Home Economics Education had been regarded as “female subject”until the 1980s and was integrated into regular curricula for co-education in the middle of the 1990s. when the 6th Curriculum was activated. Technology-Home Economics started to emerge in Japan in 1962. while the subject Home Economics Education was integrated into curricula for males in high school as well in 1989. In the Korean 7th Curriculum, the combined subject Technology-Home Economics is divided into three categories. A remarkable difference from japanese Technology-Home Economics is that korean curriculum has no division between required and elective. In conclusion. I observe that both Korean and Japanese curricula for Home Economics Education were originated in Confucianism. However, unlike Korean situation, current Japanese Home Economics Education takes a significant part as a continuing and required subject for both primary and secondary co-education.



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