• Senba, Takasi (Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Technology, Miyazaki University) ;
  • Suzuki, Takashi (Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University)
  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


We study a parabolic system of chemotaxis introduced by E.F. Keler and L.A. Segel. First, norm behaviors of the blow-up solution are proven. Then some kind of symmetry breaking and the concentration toward the boundary follow when the L$^1$norm of the initial value is less than 8$\pi$. Meanwhile a method of rearrangement is porposed toprove an inequality of Trudinger-Moser's type.



  1. Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. v.8 Local and global solvability of some parabolic systems modelling chemotaxis. P. Biler
  2. Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Differential Geometry The Moser-Trudinger inequality and applications to some problem in conformal geometry S.Y.A. Chang;R. Hardt(ed.);M. Walf(ed.)
  3. J. Differential Geom. v.27 Conformal deformation of metrics on S² S.Y.A. Chang;P.C. Yang
  4. Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions L.C. Evans;R.F. Gariepy
  5. Math. Nachr. v.195 Global behaviour of a reaction - diffusion system modelling chemotaxis H. Gajewski;K. Zacharias
  6. Ann. Scoula Norm. Sup. Pisa Ⅳ v.35 A blow-up mechanism for a chemotaxis model M.A. Herrero;J.J.L. Velazquez
  7. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. v.329 On explosions of solutions to a system of partial differential equations modelling chemotaxis. W. Jager;S. Luckhaus
  8. J. Theor. Biol. v.26 Initiation of slime mold aggregation viewed as an instability. E.F. Keller;L.A. Segel.
  9. Indiana Univ. Math. J. v.20 A sharp form of an inequality by N. Trudinger J. Moser
  10. Dynamical Systems On a nonlinear problem in differential geometry M.M. Peixoto(ed.)
  11. Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. v.5 Blow-up of radially symmetric solutions to a chemotaxis system T. Nagai
  12. Chemotactic collapse in a parabolic system of mathematical biology T. Nagia;T. Senba;T. Suzuki
  13. Funckcial. Ekvac. v.40 Application of the Trudinger-Moser inequality to a parabolic system of chemotaxis T. Nagai;T. Senba;K. Yoshida
  14. J. Theor. Biol. v.42 Chemotaxis, signal relaying, and aggregation morphology V. Nanjundiah
  15. Pacific J. Math. v.8 On the principal frequency of a membrane Z. Nehari
  16. Advances in Differential Equations Chemotactic collapse in a parabolic-elliptic system of mathematical biology T. Senba;T. Suzuki
  17. Math. Japonica v.45 Norm behavior of solutions to the parabolic system of chemotaxis A. Yagi
  18. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics A note on the stability of stationary solutions to a system of chemotaxis T. Suzuki