Chemical characteristics of the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, were investigated in total composition, amino acid composition, fatty acid composition and mineral components. After the treatment of 0.4% of G. bimaculatus in the chicken feed, the changes of fatty acid composition in the chicken meat and egg were also estimated. As the result, saturated fatty acid, especially palmitic acid, decreased 4% and unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic aced and arachidonic acid, increased 12 and 23%, respectively, compared with those of control. In addition, there was a small increase in Eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA). The sensory test of the chicken meat resulted in increased flavor, brightness and yellow color. The sensory scores of G. bimaculatus egg in the point of taste resulted in somewhat better estimate than control. These results are appear to be stemmed from fatty acids of cricket.