Identification of Putative Embryonic Stem Cells Derived from Embryonic Blastodermal Cells of Fertilized Hen′s Eggs

닭 배반엽세포로부터 유래된 잠정적 배아주세포의 동정

  • Lee, K.S. (Division of Life Sciences and Graduate School of Biotehnology, Korea University) ;
  • Lee, H. (Division of Life Sciences and Graduate School of Biotehnology, Korea University) ;
  • Kim, K.D. (Division of Life Sciences and Graduate School of Biotehnology, Korea University) ;
  • Park, Seong-Su (Division of Life Sciences and Graduate School of Biotehnology, Korea University) ;
  • Lee, S.H. (Division of Life Sciences and Graduate School of Biotehnology, Korea University)
  • 이기석 (고려대학교 생명과학부/생명공학원) ;
  • 이황 (고려대학교 생명과학부/생명공학원) ;
  • 김기동 (고려대학교 생명과학부/생명공학원) ;
  • 박성수 (고려대학교 생명과학부/생명공학원) ;
  • 이상호 (고려대학교 생명과학부/생명공학원)
  • Published : 2000.04.01


Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cell lines, which derived from preimplantation embryo. These cells have been used as a vehicle of foreign DNA for production of transgenic mammals. this experiment was performed to examined the possible use of blastodermal cells derived from hen's egg for germline manipulation. Stage X blsdtodermal cells isolated from fertilized eggs were cultured in DMEM containing 15% fetal calf serum. Blastodermal cells wre co-cultured on the chicken embryonic fibroblast (CEF) or mouse embryonic fibroblast(MEF) cells. to examine the effects of growth factors on stem cell growth, bFGF and LIF were added. There was no significant difference in colony formation of putative ES cells between CEF and MEF as a feederlayer, but the addition of growth factors enhanced the proliferation and inhibited differentiation of blastodermal cells. To characterize the cell colonies as a putative ES cells, putative embryonic cell colonies were stained by periodic acid Schiffs (PAS) reagent. The putative ES cell colonies showed intensive positive reaction similar to the property of undifferentiated PGC upto 20days in vitro, but not in other cell types. this result demonstrates that PAS-positive cell colonies may be used for the study of establishment of chicken ES cell lines for the production of transgenic chicken.



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