SHPB 기법을 이용한 A16061-T6의 고속 인장 변형거동 규명

Determination of Deformation Behavior of the Al6060-T6 under high Strain Rate Tensile Loading Using SHPB Technique

  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


Mechanical properties of the materials used for transportations and industrial machinery under high stain rate loading conditions have been required to provide appropriate safety assessment to these mechanical structures. The Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar(SHPB) technique with a special experimental apparatus can be used to obtain the material properties under high strain rate loading condition. There have been many studies on the material behavior under high strain rate compressive loading compared to those under tensile loading. In this paper, mechanical properties of the aluminum alloy, Al6061-T6, under high strain rate tensile loading were determined using SHPB technique.



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