Direct Triazine Herbicide Detection Using a Self-Assembled Photosynthetic Reaction Center from Purple Bacterium

  • Nakamura, Chikashi (National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research) ;
  • Hasegawa, Miki (National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research) ;
  • Shimada, Kazumi (National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research, AIST and Devision of Biotechnology School of Agriculture, Ibaraki University) ;
  • Shirai, Makoto (Devision of Biotechnology School of Agriculture, Ibaraki University) ;
  • Miyake, Jun (National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research)
  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


In this study, a direct detection system for triazine derivative herbicides was developed using the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) from the purple bacterium, Rhodobacter sphaeroides, and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) apparatus. The histidine-tagged RCs were immobilized on an SPR gold chip using nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid groups as a binder for one of the triazine herbicide, atrazine. The SPR responses were proportional to the sample concentrations of atrazine in the range 0.1-1 $\mu\textrm{g}$/mL. The sensitivity of the direct detection of atrazine using the RC-assembled sensor chip was higher than that using the antibody-immobilized chip. The other types of herbicides, DCMU or MCPP, were not detected with such high sensitivity. The results indicated the high binding selectivity of the RC complex.



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