Analysis of Traffic Noise Propagation around Main Roads in Kwang-ju City

  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


This paper describes an analysis of various factors affecting traffic noise propagation, including the distance from the road, existence of a direct path of noise propagation, density and height of buildings, and procedure for predicting the attenuation of noise levels from roads. The analysis is based on a multiple number of regression models, utilizing the quantification theory of the first kind. This study incorporates a large amount of survey data concerning traffic noise propagation. The survey of the traffic noise propagation around main roads was carried out in several residential areas, mainly in Kwangju. The attenuation of noise levels measured provided 691 usable data samples. A multiple regression analysis demonstrated that the distance from the road makes the most significant contribution to the attenuation of the noise level. The second contributor was found to be the existence of a direct path of noise propagation. The building density and average height of the buildings also affected the attenuation of the noise level considerably. Other factors, such as the height of the building behind the receiver microphone and the number of traffic lanes on the noise-source roads, did not contribute as much to the attenuation of the noise level as the factors mentioned avove.



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