복수적분 시구간 직렬탐색 시스템에서 부분 상관기를 이용한 Kronecker 부호의 특성 분석

Analysis of Kronecker Sequence with Partial-Period Correlation in a Multiple-dwell Serical Serarch System

  • 임연주 (한양대학교 전자통신전파공학과) ;
  • 박상규 (한양대학교 전자통신전파공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.08.01


본 논문에서는 고속의 초기동기가 가능한 Kronecker 부호를 DS/CDMA 시스템의 확산부호로 하여 패킷 무선 데이터 통신에서의 사용을 위한 타당성을 보인다 먼저 Kronecker 부호의 생성방법 상관특성을 보여 대체적인 부호의 특성을 밝히고 부분 상관기를 이용할 수 있음을 보인다 더 나아가 PN 부호와 같은 평균 초기동기획득 시간을 가질 때의 Kronecker 부호의 오경보 확률과 실패 확률을 구하여 Kronecker 부호가 PN 부호보다 더 높은 동기 확률을 가짐을 보임으로써 패킷 통신에서 Kronecker 부호를 사용할 수 있는 가능성을 확인한다.

This paper shows that the Kronecker sequence, the rapid acquisition spreading code, can be used in packet wireless data communication systems. The general properties of the Kronecker sequence such as construction and correlation characteristics are described, and it is shown that the Kronecker sequence can use a partial-period correlation for a faster acquisition. Based on above Properties, it can be expected that the Kronecker sequence can be used in packet communication systems because the probability of false alarm for the Kronecker sequence is lower and flatter(that is, less sensitive to Ec/No variations) than that for the PN sequence under the assumption that both sequences have the same acquisition time.



  1. IEEE Trans. on Comm. v.43 no.3 Differentially Coherent Detection Technique for Direct-Sequence Code Acquisition in a Rayleigh Fading Mobile Channel Char-Dir Chung
  2. 한국통신학회 논문지 v.24 no.5 빠른 초기동기 확산부호를 이용한 이동통신 시스팀의 성능과 셀구성 조현욱;박상규
  3. Proc. of the IEEE International Conf. on Comm. v.3 Analysis of a Serial Acquisition Scheme for Unslotted Distribution Direct-Sequence Packet Radio Networks A. R. Raghavan;C. W. Baum;D. L. Noneaker
  4. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.com-32 no.5 A Unified Approach to Serial Search Spread-Spectrum Code Acquisition-Part I : General Theory A. Polydoros;C. L. Weber
  5. Proc. of the International Conf. on Comm. v.3 Analysis of a Differentially Coherent Spread Spectrum Acquisition Receiver M. H. Zarrabizadeh;E. S. Sousa
  6. 전자통신 v.14 no.4 확산대역통신의 부분상관 동기방식 김대호;박영옥;김도욱
  7. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.com-32 no.5 A Unified Approach to Serial Search Spread Spectrum Code Acquisition-Part ll : A Matched Filter Receiver A. Polydoros;C. L. Weber
  8. IEEE Comm. Magazine v.22 no.6 Spread-Spectrum Signal Acquisition : Methods and Technology Stephen S. Rappaport;Donald M. Grieco
  9. IEEE Trans. on Comm. v.36 no.11 Analysis of Strategies for Serial-Search Spread-Spectrum Code Acquisition-Direct Approach V. M. Jovanovic
  10. IEEE Trans. on Comm. v.43 no.2 Analysis of Noncoherent Correlation in DS/BPSK Spread Spectrum Acquisition Vladan M. Jovanovic;Elvino S. Sousa