H.263v2에서 계층부호화를 이용한 오류 은닉

The Error concealment using Scalability in H.236v2

  • 한승균 (경희대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 장승기 (삼성전자 중앙연구소) ;
  • 서덕영 (경희대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


본 논문은 압축된 비디오에 대한 적응적 오류 은닉 기법을 제안한다. 압축 과정에서 중복성이 제거되므로, 무선 채널이나 인터넷과 같이 오류가 발생하기 쉬운 네트워크에서 비디오 전송시 압축된 비디오 데이터는 오류에 대해 민감하다. 오류의 은닉은 손상된 비트열에서 비디오 데이터를 재생하는 방법이다. 본 논문에서는 계층화된 부호화 방법이 오류은닉에 매우 유용함을 입증했다. 실험 결과에서 영상의 어떤 부분은 기본계층의 정보를 사용하면 더 잘 은닉이 되고, 다른 부분은 이전 프레임 정보를 사용함으로써 좀 더 은닉이 잘 된다는 것을 보였다. 또한 움직임 벡터와 움직임 정도를 기본으로 하는 더욱 효과적이고 적응적인 기술을 개발하였다. 본 논문에서는 계층화된 부호화에 H.263.v2를 사용했는데, 더 나아가 DCT를 기본으로 하는 모든 비디오 코텍에 응용할 수 있다.

This paper proposes an adaptive error concealment technique for compressed video. Since redundancy is extracted out during compression process, compressed video is vulnerable to errors which occur during transmission of video over error prone networks such as wireless channels and Internet. Error concealment is a process of reconstructing video out of damaged video bit stream. We proved that scalable encoding is very useful for error concealment. Analysis of experiments shows that some part of image is better concealed by using base layer information and other part of image is better concealed by using previous frame information. We developed a technique which enables to decide which methodology is more effective, adaptively, based on motion vectors and regional spatial activity. We used H.263v2 for scalable encoding, but, our approach could be applied to all DCT based video codec.



  1. IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics v.44 no.3 An MPEG2-to-ATM converter to optimize performance of VBR video broadcast over ATM networks Paul C. M. Wong;Victor C. M. Leung;Panos Nasiopoulos
  2. Proc. SPIE'95 v.2501 Analysis of Error Concealment Schemes for MPEG-2 Video Transmission Over ATM based Networks Wenjun Luo;Magda El Zarki
  3. IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics v.43 no.3 Error Concealment based on Directional Interpolation Jae-Won Suh;Yo-Sung Ho
  4. IEEE ICICS'97 Robust H.263 portable video coding W.P.L. Soon;W.C. Wong
  5. IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics v.43 no.2 Error concealment for MPEG video transmission Jian Feng Kwok-Tung;Hassan Mehrpour
  6. Proc. IEEE Temporal & spatial error concealment techniques for hierarchical MPEG-2 video codec Susanna Aign;Khaled Fazel
  7. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. v.7 no.6 DCT Coefficients Recovery-Based Error Concealment Technique and Its Application to the MPEG-2 Bit Stream Error Jong Wook Park;Jong Won Kim;Sang Uk Lee
  8. Proc. IEEE ICASSP'98 v.15 Novel Error Concealment Techniques for Images in ATM Environments M. Hasan;A. Sharaf;F. Marvasti
  9. Signal Processing Image Communication v.14 no.3 MPEG-2 video error resilience experiments : The importance considering the impact of systems layer M. R. Frater;J. F. Arnold;J. Zhang
  10. IEEE Trans. Image Processing v.4 no.4 Concealment of Damaged Block Transform Coded Images Using Projections onto Convex Sets Huifang Sun;Wilson Kwok
  11. Proc. ICC'97 v.3 Optimal DCT Coefficient Adjustment Applied to MPEG-2 SNR Scalability D. Wilson;M. Ghanbari
  12. ITU-T Standard H.323 Packet based multimedia communications systems
  13. 한국통신학회논문지 v.23 no.3 이동통신망에서 H.263 동영상 전송을 위한 채널부호화 및 오류 은닉 기법 홍원기(외)
  14. IEEE Motion compensated temporal interpolation with overlapping Chi-Kong Wong;Oscar C. Au;Chi-Wah Tang
  15. IEEE Trans. Commun. v.45 no.7 A convex Projections Method for Improved Narrow-Band Interference Rejection in Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Systems Krishna R.;Narayanan;John F. Doherty
  16. IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. v.15 no.9 Error resilience in video and multiplexing layer for very low bit-rate video coding system Wee Sun Lee;Mark R Pickering;Michael R. Frater;John F. Arnold
  17. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. v.7 no.6 Standard Compatible Extension of H.263 for Robust Video Transmission in Mobile Environments Eckehard Steinbach;Niko Farber;Bernd Girod
  18. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. v.8 no.1 Detection and Concealment of Transmission Errors in H.261 Images Wen-Jeng Chu;Jin-Jang Leou
  19. ITU-T Standard H.323V2 Packet based multimedia communications systems
  20. IEEE Commun. Mag. Extensions of ITU-T Recommendation H.324 for error-resilient video transmission Niko Faber;Bernd Girod;John Villasenor
  21. Proc. IEEE ITC'98 v.3 H.263-based Two Layer Codecs for ATM Environments T. Nikolaidis;M. Hasan;F. Marvasti
  22. Video coding for low bit rate communication ITU
  23. Error Pattern Generation Program NTT DoCoMo