Development of 60GHz Millimeter-wave Transmitter using NRD Guide

  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


Allow me to introduce the development of an FM transmitter. The transmitter uses millmeter waves at the frequency of 60 GHz, and it can produce as much as 20 mW power with the band width of 1 GHz. The great feature of the FM transmitter is that it has been created by the special technique of utilizing the NRD (non radiative dielectric) waveguide. The advantage of adopting the NRD waveguide is that it can significantly reduce transmission loss. We can construct a small-size NRD guide transmitter in a simple way that has superb transmission performance. The NRD guide transmitter is very useful for CATV transmission or transmission over a wide range. In addition, the transmitter has almost the same band width as optical communication, and the data transmission speed of the transmitter is faster than that of optical communication. A transmitter with these merits would be highly appreciated as a way of ultra-highspeed communication network over short distances.



  1. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory & Tech. v.MTT-29 no.11 Nonradiative Dielectric Waveguide for Millimeter-wave Integrated Circuits T. Yoneyama;S. Nishida
  2. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory & tech. v.MTT-30 no.12 Bends in Nonradiative Dielectric Waveguides T. Yoneyama;M. Ya,aguchi;S. Nishida
  3. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory & Tech. v.MTT-34 no.8 Analysis and Measurement of Nonradiative Dielectric Waveguide Bends T. Yoneyama;H. Tamaki;S. Nishida
  4. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory & Tech. v.MTT-31 no.8 Coupling Characteristics of Nonradiative Dielectric Waveguide T. Yoneyama;N. Tozawa;S. Nishida