파장분할다중화방식 전광통신망에서 다중홉 연결 알고리즘

Multihop Connection Establishment Algorithms in Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks

  • 김상완 (서울대학교 전기공학부) ;
  • 서승우 (서울대학교 전기공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


파장분할다중화방식 전광통신망에서는 신호가 먼 거리를 진행할 경우, ASE(Amplified Spontaneous Emission) 잡음이나 누화(Crosstalk)와 같은 물리적 제약으로 인해 신호가 손상된다. 소낫ㅇ된 신호를 회복시키기 위해서는 광신호를 중간 노드에서 재생(signal regeneration)해야 하지만, 신호 재생은 추가의 네트워크 자원을 필요로 하기 때문에 재생 노드(Signal Regeneration Node, SRN)는 다른 광경로의 블록킹을 최소화하도록 신중히 선택해야 한다. 이 논문에서는 물리적인 제약 하에서 다중홉 방식으로 광경로를 설정하는 문제에 대해 최소비용 알고리즘(Minimal-Cost Placement Algorithm, MCPA)과 휴리스틱 알고리즘들을 제안하다. 최소비용 위치선정 알고리즘은 다이내믹 프로그래밍을 이용하여 송수신기나 파장의 부족으로 인한 다른 광경로들의 블록킹을 최소화하도록 공식화하였다.

In wavelength-routed all-optical networks, signals are transmitted on a direct optical path, or a lightpath, in a single-hop manner without opto-electronic/electro-optic(OE/EO) conversion at intermediate nodes. However, due to the physical constraints of optical elements such as ASE noise and crosstalk signals can be degraded un a long path. To establish a connection under such impairments, the optical signal may need to be regenerated at intermediate nodes, dividing a lightpath into two or more fragments. However, since signal regeneration at intermediate nodes requires additional network resources, the selection of these nodes should be made carefully to minimize blocking of other lightpaths. In this paper, we deal with the problem of establishing a lightpath in a multihop manner under physical constraints. We provide both minimal-cost and heuristic algorithms for locating signal regeneration nodes(SRNs). For a minimal-cost algorithm, we formulate the problem using dynamic programming(DP) such that blocking of other lightpaths due to the lack of transmitters/receivers(TXs/RXs) and wavelengths is minimized throughout the network.



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  3. IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking v.6 no.2 Adaptive wavelength routing in all-optical networks A. Mokhtar;M. Azizoglu
  4. Proc. OFC '98 BER-based call admission in wavelength route optical networks D. Datta;B. Ramamurthy;H. Feng;J. P. Heritage;B. Mukherjee
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  9. IEEE/ACM Trans. On Networking v.7 no.5 On Optimal Placement in Wavelength-Routed Networks S. Subramaniam;M. Azizoglu;A. K. Somani
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  11. Operations research Hamdy A. Taha