상태 정보 학습을 이용한 새로운 순차회로 ATPG 기법

New Test Generation for Sequential Circuits Based on State Information Learning

  • 이재훈 (중앙대학교 전자전기공학부) ;
  • 송오영 (중앙대학교 전자전기공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


조합형 회로에 대한 테스트 패턴 생성의 문제는 거의 만족할 만한 수준에 도달한데 반해 순차형 회로에 대한 테스트 패턴 생성은 여전히 많은 연구를 필요로 하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 효율적인 검사 패턴 생성을 위하여 검사 패턴 생성 과정에서 탐색되어지는 상태 공간 정보의 효율적으로 저장하고, 그렇게 저장된 상태 공간 정보를 이용하여 효율적으로 검사패턴을 생성하는 알고리즘을 제안한다. 그리고 제안된 알고리즘과 기존의 결정적 검사 패턴 생성 알고리즘을 실험을 통하여 비교함으로써 제안된 알고리즘의 효율성을 검증한다.

While research of ATPG(automatic test pattern generation) for combinational circuits almost reaches a satisfiable level, one for sequential circuits still requires more research. In this paper, we propose new algorithm for sequential ATPG based on state information learning. By efficiently storing the information of the state searched during the process of test pattern generation and using the state information that has been already stored, test pattern generation becomes more efficient in time, fault coverage, and the number of test patterns. Through some experiments with ISCAS '89 benchmark circuits, the efficiency of the proposed method is shown.



  1. Proc. IEEE Int'l. Symp. Cir. & Sys. Combinational Profiles of Sequential Benchmark Circuits Brglez, F.;Bryan, D.;Kozminski, K.
  2. Proc. Init. Test Conf. Fast sequential ATPG based on implicit state enumeration H. Cho;G. D. Hachtel;F. Somenzi
  3. IEEE Transactions on Computers v.C-32 no.12 On the Acceleration of Test Generation Algorithms Hideo Fujiwara;Takeshi Shimono
  4. IEEE Trans. on CAD v.10 no.5 Test Generation and Verification for Highly Sequential Circuits A. Ghosh(et al.)
  5. IEEE Trans. on Computers v.C-30 no.3 An Implicit Enumeration Algorithm to Generate Tests for Combinational Logic Circuits P. Goel
  6. Technical Report, UILU-ENG-91-2214(CRHC-91-8) Techniques for Sequential Circuit Automatic Test Generation Thomas M. Niermann
  7. IEEE Trans. on CAD v.12 no.5 Accelerated Dynamic learning for Test Pattern Generation in Combinational Circuits W. Kunz;D. K. Pradhan
  8. IBM J. Res. Dev. v.10 no.4 Diagnosis of Automata Failures: A Calculus and a Method J. P. Roth
  9. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design v.7 no.1 SOCRATES: A Highly Efficient Automatic Test Pattern Generation System Michael H. Schulz;Erwin Trischler;Thomas M. Sarfert
  10. IEEE Tr. on Computer-Aided Design v.11 PROOFS: a fast, memory-efficient sequential circuit fault simulator T. M. Niermann;Wu-Tung Cheng;J. H. Patel
  11. Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design Miron Abramovici;Melvin A. Breuer;Author D. Friedman
  12. 23rd DAC An Efficient Test Generation System for Sequential Circuits R. Marlett
  13. 1989 ITC ESSENTIAL: An Efficient Self-Learning Test Pattern Generation Algorithm For Sequential Circuits M. Schulz;E. Auth
  14. IEEE Computer Gentest-An Automatic Test Generation System for Sequential Circuits W. Cheng;T. Chakraborty
  15. European Conf. on Design Automation HITEC: A Test Generation Package for Sequential Circuit T. Niermann;J. Patel
  16. IEEE Trans. on Computer v.42 An Efficient Algorithm for Sequential Circuit Test generation T. Kelsey;K. Saluja;S. Lee
  17. Intl. Conf. on CAD CRIS: A Test Cultivation Program for Sequential VLST Circuits D. G. Saab(et al.)
  18. ITC An Automatic Test Pattern Generator for Large Sequential Circuits based on Generation Algorithm P. Prinetto;M. Rebaudengo;M. S. Reorda
  19. Proc. European Design Test Conference Application of Simple Genetic Algorithms to Sequential Circuit Test Generation E. M. Rudnick;J. G. Holm;D. G. Saab;J. H. Patel
  20. Proc. DAC Sequential Circuit Test Generation in a Genetic Algorithm Frame-work E. M. Rudnick;J. H. Patel;G. S. Greenstein;T. M. Niermann
  21. 25th Fault-tolerant Computing Symp. LOCSTEP: A Logic Simulation Based Test Generation Procedure I. Pomeranz;S. M. Reddy
  22. European Design and Test Conference Sequential Circuit Test Generation Using Dynamic State Traversal M. S. Hsioa;E. M. Rudnick;J. H. Patel
  23. Proc. 32nd Design Autom. Conf. Combining Deterministic and Genetic Approaches for Sequential Circuit Test Generation E. M. Rudnick;J. H. Patel
  24. Proc. 11th Int'l. Conf. on VLSI Design MIX: A Test Generation System for Synchronous Sequential Circuits X. Lin;I. Pomeranz;S. M. Reddy
  25. Int'l Conf. on CAD Techniques for Improving the Efficiency of Sequential Circuit Test Generation X. Lin;I. Pomeranz;S. M. Reddy