- Polymers for Lightwave and Integrated Optics Lawrence A. Hornak
- Appl. Phys. Lett. v.55 Compact directional coupler switches using quantumwell electro-refraction J. E. Zuker;K. L. Jones;M. G. Young;B. I. Miller;U. Koren
- Molecular Cryst. and Liquid Cryst. v.267 Design and fabrication of nonlinear optical polymer waveguide devices J. J. Kim;W. Y. Hwang;T. Zyung
- IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics v.32 no.6 Low Voltage Vertical Directional Coupler Switch with suppressed Electroabsorbtion A. Bandyopadhyay;P.K. Basu
- Appl. Phys. Lett. v.66 Fused vertical couplers B. Liu;A. Shakouri;P. Abraham;B. G. Kim;A. W. Jackson;J. E. Bowers
- J. Appl. Phys. v.83 no.2;15 Vertically stacked coupler and serially grafted waveguide : Hybrid waveguide structures formed using an electro-optic polymer Toshio Watanabe;Makoto Hikita;Michiyuki Amano;Yoshito Shuto;Satoru Tomaru
- Appl. Phys. Lett. v.63 Optical intensity modulation in a vertically stacked coupler incoporation EO polymer M. Hikita;Y. Shuto;M. Amano;R. Yeshimura;S. Tomaru;J. Kozawaguchi
- Al 전극과 ITO 전극을 이용한 LiNbO3 BOA 스위치의 설계 및 제작 이성림
- IEEE J. Quantum Electron v.QE-20 Relation between normal mode and coupled mode analyses of parallel waveguide E. Marom;O. G. Ramer;S. Ruschin
- 실리콘 기판상에 RIE와 산화작용을 적용한 폴리머 광변조기 홍순광
- Optical waveguide analysis Masanori Koshiba
- 레이져 리소그래피를 이용한 역 △β 방향성 결합기의 설계 및 제작 박원규
- 서울대학교, 반도체부 연구보고서 Fine line lithography를 위한 Polymer Resist 연구 박이순
- IEEE J. of Lightwave Tech. v.LT-5 no.1 Coupled-Mode theory of Optical Waveguides H. A. Haus;W. P. Huang;S. Kawakami;N. A. Whitaker
- Appl. Phys. Lett. v.5 A new light modulator using perturbation of synchronism between two coupled guides K. Tada;K. Hirose
- Bell syst. Tech. J. v.48 Dielectric Rectangular waveguide and directional coupler for integrated optics Marcatili, E.A.J
- 경북대학교 테크노파크-삼성전자 공동연구, 3차년도 보고서 폴리머 도파로형 광 결합기 및 광 변조기 개발 송재원
- IEEE J. of Lightwave Tech. v.LT-5 no.2 Directional Couplers Made of Nonidentical Asymmetric Slabs. Part Ⅱ: Grating-Assisted Couplers D. Marcuse
- J. of Lightwave Tech. v.17 Design considerations for an electro-optic directional coupler modulator N. Anwar;C. Themistos;B. M. A. Rahman;Kenneth T. V. Grattan
- IEEE J. of Lightwave Tech. v.7 no.3 Polymer Optical Waveguide Switch Using the thermo-optic effect M. B. J. Diemer;J. J. Brons;E. S. Trommel
- 한국광학회지 v.9 no.4 측쇄결합 폴리머 필름의 전기광학 특성 측정 김광택;이소영;이남권;송재원;박이순;금창대
- J. of Lightwave Tech. v.17 Design considerations for an electrooptic directional coupler modulator N. Anwar;C. Themistors;B. M. Rahman;Kenneth T. V. Grattan