색상 정보를 이용한 얼굴 영역 추출

Face Detection Using Color Information

  • 장선아 (광운대학교 전자공학과 디지털미디어 연구실) ;
  • 유지상 (광운대학교 전자공학과 디지털미디어 연구실)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


In this paper, This paper presents a new algorithm which is used for detecting and extracting human masks from a color still image. The regions where each pixel has a value of skin-color were extracted from the Cb and Cr images, after the tone of the color image is converted to YCbCr from. A morphological filter is used to eliminate noise in the resulting image. By scanning it in horizontal and vertical ways under ways under threshold value, first candidate section is chosen. If it is not a face, secondary candidate section is taken and is divided into two candidate sections. The proposed algorithm is not affected by the variation of illuminations, because it uses only Cb and Cr components in YCbCr color format. Moreover, the face recognition was possible regardless of the degree of shifting face, changed shape, various sizes of the face, and the quality of image.



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  5. Signal Processing : Image Communication v.7 no.3 Automatic face location, detection and tracking for model-assisted coding of video teleconferencing sequences at low bit-rates A. Eleftheriadis;A. Jacquin
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