공유된 멀티캐스트 트리에서 센터 위치 결정을 위한 새 알고리즘

New conter location algorithms for shared multicast trees

  • 강신규 (홍익대학교 전자계산학과 분산컴퓨팅 네트워크 연구실) ;
  • 심영철 (홍익대학교 정보컴퓨터공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


Multicast routing algorithms such PIM, CBT, BGMP use shared multicast routing trees and the location of the multicast tree has great impact on the packet delay. In this pater we propose three new center location algorithms and analyze their performance through simulation studies. these three algorithms consider as candidates for the center not only multicast group members but also a few non-members nodes. To select these non-member nodes, we first find all the shortest paths among every couple of members and consider either nodes which are most frequently visited during the process of finding shortest paths or nodes which lie at the center of a shortest path and are most frequently visited during the same process. There the proposed algorithms are able to find the better center than not only algorithms which consider only member nodes but also other algorithms which consider selected non-member nodes in addition ot member nodes. The proposed algorithms either incur too much overhead nor depend upon unicasting algorithms.
