Capacity Increasement of Trellis Coded 16 QAM Multi-Carrier CDMA System due to SC/MRC Diversity in Multiuser Interference and Rician Fading Channel.

  • 노재성 (강원도립대학 정보통신과) ;
  • 강희조 (동신대학교 전기전자공학부) ;
  • 김춘길 (한국과학기술원 기초 과학과정) ;
  • 김언곤 (국립 대전산업대학교 정보통신과공학과) ;
  • 조성준 (한국항공대학교 항공통 신정보공학과)
  • Published : 2000.03.01


In this paper, trellis coded 16 QAM Multi-Carrior CDMA system is proposed, Using the equivalent signal-to-noise plus interference Power ratio (SNIR) of Multi-Carrier CDMA system in the reverse link, capacity and BER performance of trellis coded 16 QAM Multi-Carrier CDMA system are analyzed taking into account the number of multi-carrier, the number of multiple access user, the number of SC/MRC diversity branch, and Rician fading parameter in multiuser interference and Rician fading channel. And the capacity and the BER performance of trellis coded 16 QAM Multi-Carrier CDMA system using selection combining (SC) and maximal ratio cabining (MRC) diversity are numerically compared. Obtained results show that the capacity of proposed system depends on the number of multi-carrier. ti is found that the trellis coded 16 QAM Multi-Carrier CDMA system with SC/MRC antenna diversity scheme is efficient to combat multipath fading and to increase the maximum number of users in high speed data communication. With the results of analysis. MRC diversity technique provides the performance fro high speed data communications. Finally, we present a numerical approach to derive the capacity and the BER performance and to find the maximum number of multiple access user for Multi-Carrier system in multiuser interference and Rician fading channel.



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