A Study on the Characteristics of BTA Deep Drilling for Marine Part Carbon and Alloy Steels

  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


The term "deep holes" is used to describe the machining of holes with a relatively large length to diameter ratio. The main feature of BTA deep hole drilling is the stabilization of cutting force necessary for the self guidance of the drill head. An additional feature is the cutting tool edges that are unsymmetrically placed on the drill head. There is an increasing necessity to predict the hole geometry and other dynamic stability behavior of deep hole drilling guidance. In this study, the effects of BTA deep hole drilling conditions on the hole profile machined piece are analyzed using domain analysis technique. The profile of deep hole drilled work piece is related to cutting speed, feed rate, chip flow, tool wear, and so on. This study deals with the experimental results obtained during the BTA drilling on SM45C, SM55C carbon steels and SCM440 steels under various cutting conditions, and these results are compared with analytical evaluations.aluations.



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