K-Band용 SEmi-MMIC Hair-pin 공진발진기

A Semi-MMIC Hair-pin Resonator Oscillator for K-Band Application

  • 이현태 (광운대학교 RFIC 연구 및 교육센터)
  • 발행 : 2000.09.01


본 논문에서는 기본파를 억제시키고 2차 고조파가 주 발진신호로 동작되는 18GHz 대역의 push-push 발진기를 semi-MMIC 형태로 설계 및 제작하였다. 마이크로스트립 선로를 포함하는 passive component는 semi-insulating GaAs 기판위에 MMIC 공정을 이용하여 구현하고, Chip 형태의 P-HEMT, 저항, 캐패시터를 Au wire-bonding에의해 연결하였으며, via-hole 대신 접지면을 회로 주변에 구성하여, back-side와 wire-bonding하였다. 실험 결과 -10.5 dBm의 출력 전력 특성을 얻었으며, 기본 주파수 억압은 -17.3 dBc/Hz의 특성을 보였다. 위상 잡음은 100kHz offset에서 -97.7 dBc/Hz를 얻었다.

In this paper, a 18 GHz oscillator is designed with the push-push method an fabricated by semi-MMIC process, in which the second harmonic is the main output signal with the suppressed fundamental mode. In semi-MMIC process, passive components with microstrip transmission line are implemented using MMIC process on semi-insulating GaAs substrate. Then, chip types of P-HEMT, resistors, and capacitors are connected through Au wire-bonding. Also, the ground plane is inserted around the circuit and connected each other with the back-side of substrate through Au wire-bonding instead of via-hole. The semi-MMIC push-push oscillator shows the output powder of -10.5 dBm, the fundamental frequency suppression of -17.3 dBc/Hz, and the phase noise of -97.9 dBc/Hz at the offset frequency of 100 kHz.



  1. Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits : Technology & Design R. Goyal
  2. MIC and MMIC Amplifier and Oscillator Circuit Design A. Sweet
  3. Solid-State Microwave Power Oscillator Design E. Holzman
  4. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. v.33 no.12 A 20-40 GHz Push-Push Dielectric Resonator Oscillator A. M. Pavio;M. A. Smith
  5. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. v.37 no.12 Miniaturized Hairpin Resonator Filter and Their Application to Receiver Front-End MICs M. Sagawa;K. Takahasi;M. Makimoto