- The International Journal on Time-Critical computing Systems v.16 no.2/3 ARMADA Middleware and Communication Services T.Abdelzaher(et al.)
- Proc. of 16th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium Dual Priority Scheduling R.Davis;A.Wellings
- The Quorum Program DARPA
- Proc. of the 15th IEEE Symposium on Reliable and Distributed Systems (SRDS'96) The design of a CORBA group communication service P.Felber;B.Garbinato;R.Guerraoui
- Proc. of the Workshop on Middleware for Real-time systems and Services Providing for an Open, Real-time CORBA W.Feng;U.Syyid;J.S.Liu
- Proc. of IEEE Work-shop on Middleware for Distributed Real-Time Systems and Services Implementation and Performance of MidART O.Gonzalez;C.Shen
- Proc. of OOPSLA '97 The Design and Performance of a Real-time CORBA Event Service T.Harrison;L.Levine;D.C.Schmidt
- Proc. of IEEE CS Int'l Symp. On Object-Oriented Real-time distributed Computing An Efficient Middleware Architecture Supporting Time-Triggered Message-Triggered Objects and an NT-based Implementation K.H.Kim;M.Ishida;J.Liu
- Proc. of 4th IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Using Windows NT for Real-Time Applications: Experimental Observations and Recommendations K.Ramamritham;C.Shen;O.Gonzalez;S.Sen;S.Shirgurkar
- OMG Document 99-10 The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification Object Management Group
- OMG Document 98-12 CORBAservices: Common Object Services Specification Object Management Group
- OMG TC Document ptc/98-05-05 CORB Messaging Specification Object Management Group
- OMG Document ptc/99-05-03 Real-Time CORBA Joint Revised Submission Object Management Group
- OMG RFP Submission, OMG TC Document telcom/97-05-07 Control and management of Audio/Video Streams Object Management Group
- OMG TC Document telcom/99-07-01 CORBA Notification Service Object Management Group
- omniORB2
- Proc. of 5th International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (WORDS'99) Applying a Real-time CORBA Event Service to Large-scale Distributed Interactive Simulation C.O'Ryan;Douglas C. Schmidt;D.Levine;R.Noseworthy
- Proc. of 1st IEEE Real-Time Technology and Application Symposium The Real-Time Publisher/Subscriber Interprocess Communication Model for Distributed Real-Time Systems: Design and Implementation R.Rajkumar;M.Gagliardi;L.Sha
- Computer Communications Special Issue on Building Quality of Service into Distributed Systems v.21 no.4 The Design of the TAO Real-Time Object Request Broker D.C.Schmidt;D.Levine;S.Mungee
- The international Journal of Time-Critical Computing Systems Software Architecture for Reducing Priority Inversion and Non-determinism in Real-time Object Request Brokers D.C.Schmidt;S.Mungee;S.Flores-Gaitan;A.Gokhale
- Proc. of 3rd IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium RT-CRM: Real-Time Channel-based Reflective Memory C.Shen;I.Mizunuma
- Pro. of 5th IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium User Level Scheduling of Communicating Real-Time Tasks C.Shen;O.Gonzalez;K.Ramamritham;I.Mizunuma
- The International Journal on Time-Critical Computing Systems Expressing and Enforcing Timing Constraints on a Dynamic Real-Time CORBA System V.Wolfe;L.Dipippo;R.Ginis;M.Squadrito;S.Wohlever;I.Zykh;R.Johnston
- Theory and Practice for Object Systems v.3 no.1 Architectural Support for Quality of Service for CORBA Objects J.A.Zinky;D.E.bakken;R.Schantz
- MidART User Guide