- Matation Research v.57 Caffeine concentrations in mice plasma and texsticular tissue and the effect of caffeine on the dominant lethal test. Aeschbacher, H.U.;Milon, H.;Wurzner, H.P.
- Annals of Statistics v.10 Robust estimation in heteroscedastic linear models Carrol, R.J.;Ruppert, D.
- Biometrika v.70 Some remarks on overdispersion Cox, D.R.
- Journal of American Statistical Association v.82 Variance function estimation Davidian, M.;Carrol, R.J.
- Journal of American Statistical Association v.68 Propertions with extraneous variance : single and independent samples Kleinman, J.C.
- Biometrics v.42 The impact of litter effects on dose response modeling in teratology Kupper, L.;Portier, C.;Hogan, M.;Yamamoto, E.
- Biometrics v.35 The use of a correlated binomial model for the analysis of certain toxicological experiments Kupper, L.;Haseman, J.K.
- Biometrics v.49 Case studies in binary dispersion Liang, K.Y.;McCullagh, P.
- Biometrika v.73 Asymptotic properties of moment estimators for overdispersed counts and proportions Moore, D.
- Biometrics v.47 Robust estimation of the variance in moment methods for extra-binomial and extra-Poisson variation Moore, D.;Tsiatis, A.
- Journal of Japanese Statistical Society v.24 Two methods for the analysis of chromosome aberration data from the atomic-bomb survivors : quasi-likelihood moment method and beta-binomial method Nakashima, E.;Ohtaki, K.
- Journal of Royal Statistical Society(Series B) v.54 Likelihood, quasi-likelihood and pseudolikelihood : some comparisons Nelder, J.A.;Lee, Y.
- Biometrika v.74 An extended quasi-likelihood function Nelder, J.A.;Pregibon, D.
- Biometrics v.38 Analysis of proportions of Affected Foetuses in teratological experiments Paul, S.
- Biometrics v.51 Analysis of proportions in the presence of over-/under-dispersion Paul, S.;Islam, A.
- Applied Statistics v.32 Maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters of the beta-binomial distribution Smith, D.M.