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- Mathematical statistics Bickel, P.J.;K.A. Doksum
- Introduction to mathematical statistics(5th ed.) Hogg, R.V.;A.T. Craig
- 1994 Survey of Marketing Research v.42 Kinnear, T.C.;A.R. Root
- Marketing Resaerch(5th ed.) Kinnear, T.C.;J.R. Taylor
- Marketing Management(6th ed.) Kotler, P.
- Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis(3rd ed.) Johnson, R.;D. Wichern
- Statistical theory(4th ed.) Lindgren, B.W.
- Introduction to the theory of statistics(3rd ed.) Mood, A.M.;F.A. Graybill;D.C. Boes
- Harvard Business Review The Case of the Test Market Toss-up Star, S.H.;Urban, G.L.
- Probability and statistics(2nd edi.) Degroot, M. H.