- The Statistician v.47 Markov Chain Monte Carlo and its Application Brooks, S.P.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B v.56 Estimation of Finite Mixture Distributions through Bayesian Sampling Diebolt, J.;C. Robert
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.85 Smpling Based Approaches to Calculating Marginal Densities Gelfand, A.E.;A.F.M. Smith
- Statistical Science v.7 Practical Markov Chain Monte Carlo Geyer, C.J.
- Applied Statistics v.41 Adaptive Rejection Sampling for Gibbs Samling Gilks, W.R.;P. Wild
- Biometrika v.57 Monte Carlo Sampling Methods Using Markov Chain and their Application Hasting, W.K.
- Biometrika v.60 Optimum Monte Carlo Sampling Using Markov Chain Pesku, P.H.
- Bayesian Statistics v.4 How Many Iterations in the Gibbs Sampler? Raftery, A.E.;S.M. Lewis;J.M. Bernardo;A.F.M. Smith;A.P. Dawid;J.O. Berger(eds.)
- Statist. Sci. v.7 One Long Run Diagnostics : Implementation Strategies for Markov Chain Monte Carlo Raftery, A.E.;S.M. Lewis
- Stochastic Simulation Ripley, B.D.
- Annals of Statistics v.22 Markov Chains for Exploring Posterior Distributions Tierney, L.