- An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis Anderson, T.W.
- Journal of the Americal Statistical Association v.91 The intrinsic Bayes factor for model selection and prediction Berger, J.O.;Pericchi, L.
- Journal of the Americal Statistical Association v.82 Testing a point null hypothesis : The reconciliability of P-values and evidence Berger, J.O.;Sellke, T.
- Biometrika v.78 The influence of observations on misclassification probability estimates in linear discriminant analysis Critchley, F.;Vitiello, C.
- Optimal Statistical Decisions DeGroot, M.H.
- Statistics and Probability Letters v.13 Some diagnostic measures in discriminant analysis Fung, W.K.
- Journal of the Americal Statistical Association v.90 Diagnostics in linear discriminant analysis Fung, W.K.
- Statistician v.48 Outlier diagnostics in several multivariate samples Fung, W.K.
- Topics in Applied Multivatiate Analysis Hawkins, D.M.
- Appliced Discriminant Analysis Huberty, C.J.
- Theory of Probability Jeffreys, H.
- Journal of Business and Economic Statistics v.5 The detection of influential observations for allocation, separation, and the determination of probabilities in a Bayesian framework Johnson, W.
- Journal of the Americal Statistical Association v.90 Bayes factors Kass, R.E.;Raftery, A.E.
- Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction Lee, P.M.
- Postrior Probabilities of Alternative Linear Models Lempers, F.B.
- Discriminant Analysis and Statistical Pettern Recognition McLachlan, G.J.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B v.57 Fractional Bayes Factors for Model Comparisons O'Hagan, A.
- Biometrika v.77 Measuring the effect of observatios on Bayes factors Pettit, L.I.;Young, K.D.S.
- Methods of Multivatiate Analysis Rencher, A.C.
- Journal of the Americal Statistical Association v.85 Unmasking multivariate outliers and leverage points (with discussion) Rousseeuw, P.J.;Zomeren V.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B v.44 Bayes Factors for Linear and Log-linear Models with Vague Priot Information Spiegelhalter, D.J.;Smith, A.F.M.