A Bayesian Diagnostic Measure and Stopping Rule for Detecting Influential Observations in Discriminant Analysis

  • Kim, Myung-Cheol (Department of Industrial Engineering, Samchok National University, Kwangwon-do, Korea, 245-711) ;
  • Kim, Hea-Jung (Department of Statistics, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea, 100-715)
  • Published : 2000.09.01


This paper suggests a new diagnostic measure and a stopping rule for detecting influential observations in multiple discriminant analysis (MDA). It is developed from a Bayesian point of view using a default Bayes factor obtained from the fractional Bayes factor methodology. The Bayes factor is taken as a discriminatory information in MDA. It is shown that the effect of an observation over the discriminatory information is fully explained by the diagnostic measure. Based on the measure, we suggest a stopping rule for detecting influential observations in a given training sample. As a tool for interpreting the measure a graphical method is sued. Performance of the method is used. Performance of the method is examined through two illustrative examples.



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