지반진동과 내진설계

  • 조성호 (중앙대학교 건설대학 토목공학과) ;
  • 황선호 (한국철도기술연구원 책임연구원) ;
  • 목영진 (경희대학교 공과대학 토목공학과) ;
  • 장찬수 (천일지오컨설턴트 대표이사) ;
  • 박종관 (서울산업대학교 토목공학과)
  • Published : 2000.06.01




  1. Advances in the Art of Testing Soils under Cycick Loading Conditions Liquefaction flow failure of sity sand by torsional cyclic tests Dobry, R.;Vasuez-Harrera, A.;Mohammad, R.;Vucetic, M.
  2. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Michigan Effect of strain history on the dynamic properties of sand Drnevich, V. P.
  3. Proceedings, Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics v.1 The nature of stress-strain behaviour of soils Hardin, B. O.
  4. Journal of the soil Mechanics and Foundations Division v.98 no.SM7 Shear modulus and damping in soils;design equations and curves Hardin, B. O.;Drnevich, V. P.
  5. Ph. D. Dissertation, the University of Texas at Austin Investigation of the Dynamic Properties of Natural Soils Hwang, S. K.
  6. Soil Behavior in Earthquake Geotechnics Ishihara, K.
  7. Soils and Foundations v.12 no.2 Liquefaction of saturated sand in triaxial torsional shear test Ishihara, K.;Li, S.
  8. Proceedings, International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics v.3 Cyclic simple shear of large-scale sand samples;Effects of diameter to height ratio Kovacs, W. D.;Leo, E.
  9. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Kramer, S. S.
  10. MIT Research Report Propagation velocity of ultrasonic waves through sand Lawrence, F. V. Jr.
  11. Report ARL-TR-75-58 Acoustic and engineering properties of sediments Shirley, D. J.;Anderson, A. L.
  12. Dynamic Soil Properties;Laboratory, field and correlation studies, Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Stokoe, K. H. Ⅱ;Darandeli, M. B.;Andrus, R. D.;Brown, L. T.
  13. Proceedings, international Symposium on Prefailure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials v.2 Effects of Various Parameters on the Stiffness and Damping of Soils at Small to Medium Strains Stokoe, K. H. Ⅱ;Hwang, S. K.;Lee, J. N. -K.;Andrus, R. D.
  14. ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering v.117 no.1 Effect of Soil Plasticity on Cyclic Response Vucetic, M.;Dobry, R.
  15. 지반, 지반공학회 v.16 no.2 지반의 동적 물성치 측정을 위한 탄성파 기법과 결과의 이용 조성호;목영진;장현삼
  16. 대한토목학회 영문논문집 v.2 no.2 Effects of Parameters on the Dynamic Soil Properties of Undisturbed Natural Soils 황선근
  17. 한국지반공학회 '98 가을학술발표회 논문집 v.Ⅱ 실내실험을 이용한 지반의 동적물성치 측정 황선근