- Liquefaction Potential of Sand Deposit under Low Levels of Excitation Carter, D.P.;Seed, H.B.
- Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division v.97 no.SM6 Effect of Strain History on Liquefaction of Sand Finn, W.D.L.;Bransby, P.L.;Pickering, D.J.
- Soils and Foundations v.31 no.3 Undrained Cyclic Shear Stength and Residual Strain of Saturated Sand by Cyclic Triaxial Tests Hyodo, M.;Murata, H.;Yasufuku, N.;Fujii, T.
- Soils and Foundations v.34 no.1 Undrained Cyclic and Monotonic Triaxial Behavior of Saturated Loose Sand Hyodo, M.;Tanimize, H.;Yasufuku, N.;Murata, H.
- Geotechnique v.3 no.3 Liquefaction and Flow Failure During Earthquake Ishihara, K.
- Soils and Foundations v.18 no.4 Effects of Stress History on Cyclic Behavior of Sand Ishihara, K.;Okada, S.
- Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division v.93 no.SM5 Dynamic Strength of Anisotropically Consolidated Sand Lee, K.L.;Seed, H.B.
- Proceeding International Conference on Recent Advance in Geotechical Engineering and Soil Dynamics Potential for Liquefactin Due to Construction Blasting Long, H.;Ries, E. R.;Michalapoulos, A. P.
- Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division v.92 no.SM6 Liquefaction of Saturated Sands During Cyclic Loading Seed, H. B.;Lee, K. L.
- Soils and Foundations v.24 no.2 Effects of Preshearing on Liquefaction Characteristics of Saturated Sand Subjected to Cyclic Loading Suzuki, T.;Toki, S.
- Flow Slide Failures Associated with Low Level Vibrations Szerdy, F. S.
- Soils and Foundations v.23 no.1 Effects of Static Shear on Resistance to Liquefaction Vaid, Y. P.;Chern, J. C.
- Advances in the art of testing soils under cyclic conditions Cyclic and Monotonic Undrained Response of Saturated Sands Vaid, Y. P.;Chern, J. C.
- Soils and Foundations v.29 no.4 Preshering and Undrained Response of Sand Vaid, Y. P.;Chung, E. K. F.;Kuerbis, R. H.
- Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division v.121 no.2 Liquefaction and Post-liquefaction Behavior of Sand Vaid, Y. P.;Thomas, J.
- proceeding 14th ICSMFE v.1 Post-liquefaction Behavior of Saturated Sand under Simple Shear Loading Vaid, Y. P.;Sivathayalan, S.
- First Int. Conf. Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Shear-strain Relationships of Liquefied Sands Yasuda, S.;Yoshida, N.;Masuda, T.;Nagase, H.;Mine, K;Kiku, H.;Kenji Ishihara(ed.)