- 한국지반공학회지 v.16 no.2 혼합 흡착-연속추출법(combined adsorption-sequential extraction analysis, CACA)을 이용한 점토 차수재의 아연(Zn)흡착시 온도 영향에 관한 연구(I) 도남영;이승래
- 토양중의 중금속 연속추출방법과 사례연구 v.27 정명채
- J. of Colloid and Interface Science v.204 The influence of temperature on the adsorption of Cadmium(II) and Cobalt(II) on kaolinite Angove, M.J.;Johnson, B.B.;Wells, J.D.
- J. of Colloid and Interface Science v.211 The influence of temperature on the adsorption of Cadmium(II) and Cobalt(II) on Goethite Angove, M.J.;Wells, J.D.; Johnson, B.B.
- J. of Soil Science v.37 Testing a mechnistic model.II. The effect of time and temperature on the reaction of zinc with a soil Barrow, N.J.
- J. of Soil Science v.153 Effect of cropping systems on adsorption of metals by soils: I. single-metal adsorption Basta, N.T.;Tabatabai, M.A.
- Journal of Colloid and Interface Science v.187 Removal of Pb(II), Cd(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) from aqueous solutions by adsorption on bentonite Bereket, G.;Aroguz, A.Z.;Ozel, M.Z.
- Transport modeling for environmental engineers and scientists Clark, M.M.
- J. Environ. Qual v.15 Competitive adsorption of heavy metals by soils Elliott, H.A.;Liberati, M.R.;Huang, C.P.
- J. of colloid and interface science v.135 Temperature dependence of cadmium adsorption on oxides Fokkink, L.G.J.;Keizer, A.D.E.;Lyklema, J.
- Water, air, and soil pollution v.93 Simultaneous sorption of Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, and Cr on soils treated with sewage sludge supernatant Gao, S.;Walker, W.J.;Dahlgren, R.A.;Bold, J.
- Soil.Soc.Am.J. v.56 Competitive sorption of Cobalt, Copper, and Nickel ions by a calcium-saturated soil Harter, R.D.
- Environmental science & Technology v.14 no.11 Chemical association of Lead, Cadmium, Copper, and Zinc in street dust and roadside soils Harrison, R.M.;Laxen, D.P.H.;Wilson, S.J.
- J. of soil contamination v.2 no.4 Sequential extraction analysis of lead in michigan roadside soils: mobilization in the vadose zone by deicing salts? Howard, J.L.;Sova, L.E.
- Environmental science & Technology v.24 Effect of pH, temperature, and concentration on the adsorption of cadmium on goethite Johnson, B.B
- Soil Science Society Proceeding Thermodynamic of zinc adsorption on calcite, colomite and magnesite-type minerals Jurinak, J.J.;Bauer, N.
- Adsorption of inorganics at solid-liquid interfaces Cation adsorption by hydrous metal oxides and clays Kinniburgh, D.G.;M.L. Jackson;M.A. Anderson(ed.);A.J. Rubin(ed.)
- Soil Science v.128 Zinc adsorption by two alkaline soils Kuo, S.;Mikkelsen, D.S.
- Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. v.47 Zinc and Copper sorption and interaction in soils Kurdi, F.;Doner, H. E.
- Proce. of the Japan national conference on soil mechanics and foundation Eng. v.22 Geotechnical study of refuse landfill in Tokyo Port(1)-(6) Matsumoto, Y(et al.)
- Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. v.50 Effect of sequence in extraction of trace metals from soils Miller, W. P.;Martens, D. C.;Zelazny, L. W.
- Environmental progress v.11 no.3 Adsorption/desorption characteristics of lead on various types of soil Peters, R. W.;Shem, L.
- CRC Critical Reviews in analytical chemistry v.12 no.4 Selective chemical extraction of soil component and ound metal species Pickering, W. F.
- J. of colloid and interface science v.161 The effect of temperature and pH on the adsorption of Copper(II), Lead(II), and Zine(II) onto goethite Rodda, D. P.;Johnson, B. B.;Wells, J. D.
- J. of colloid and interface science v.184 Anomalous adsorption of Copper(II) on goethite Rodda, D. P.;Wells, J. D.;Johnson, B. B.
- J. of colloid and interface science v.184 Modeling the effect if temperature on adsorption of Lead(II) and Zinc(II) onto geothite at constant pH Rodda, D. P.;Johnson, B. B.;Wells, J. D.
- Applied Clay Science v.12 Diffusion and solid speciation if Cd and Pb in clay liners Roehl, K. E.;Czurda, K.
- Longman Scientific & Technical Soilscience: Methods and aplications Rowell, D. L.
- Modeling the sorption and transport of heavy metals through landfill clay liners Salim, I. A.
- Soil Science Soc. Am. J. v.60 Sorption isotherm-sequential extraction analysis of heavy metal retention in landfill liners Salim, I. A.;Miller, C. J.;Howard, J. L.
- Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. v.50 Soil pH effects in the distribution and plant availability of manganese, copper, and zinc Sims, J. T.
- Aquatic chemistry Stumm, W.Morgan, J. J.
- Analytical chemistry v.51 no.7 Sequential extraction procedure for the speciation of particulate trace metals Tessier, A.;Campbell, R. G. C.;Bisson, M.
- Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta v.53 Partitioning of zinc between the water column and the oxic sediments in lakes Tessier, A.;Carignan, B.;Dureuil, B.;Rapin, F.
- Process dynamics in environmental systems Weber, W., J., Jr;DiGiano, F. A.
- Applied Geochmistry v.3 Heavy metal migration at a landfill site, sarnia, ontario, canada-2 : metal partitioning and geotechnical implications Yanful, E. K.;Quigley, R. M.;Nesitt, H. W.
- Water, Air, and Soil pollution v.53 Buffer capacity and lead retention in some clay materials Yong, R. N.;Warkentin, B. P.;Phadungchewit, Y.;Galvez, R.
- Principles of contaminant transport in soils Yong, R. N.;Mohamed, A. M. O.;Warkentin, B. P.
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.30 pH influence on selectivity and retention of heavy metals in some clay soils Yong, R. N.;Phadungchewit, Y.
- Geoenvironment 2000, Geotechnical Special Publication No.46 v.1 Partitioning of heavy metals in contaminated sediments: A case study Yong, R. N.;Galvez-Cloutier, R.;Chan, J.;Yalcin B. Acar(ed.);David E. Daniel(ed.)