A Systolic Parallel Simulation System for Dynamic Traffic Assignment : SPSS-DTA

  • Park, Kwang-Ho (Dept, of Business Administration Hanyang University) ;
  • Kim, Won-Kyu (Dept. of Air Transportation Hankuk Aviation University)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


This paper presents a first year report of an ongoing multi-year project to develop a systolic parallel simulation system for dynamic traffic assignment. The fundamental approach to the simulation is systolic parallel processing based on autonomous agent modeling. Agents continuously act on their own initiatives and access to database to get the status of the simulation world. Various agents are defined in order to populate the simulation world. In particular existing modls and algorithm were incorporated in designing the behavior of relevant agents such as car-following model headway distribution Frank-Wolf algorithm and so on. Simulation is based on predetermined routes between centroids that are computed off-line by a conventional optimal path-finding algorithm. Iterating the cycles of optimization-then-simulation the proposed system will provide a realistic and valuable traffic assignment. Gangnum-Gu district in Seoul is selected for the target are for the modeling. It is expected that realtime traffic assignment services can be provided on the internet within 3 years.



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