Effects of Root Restriction by Clay Pot and Root Contrl Bag on Growth of Acer Palmatum

토분과 Root Control Bag에 의한 근권제한이 단풍나무의 생장에 미치는 영향

  • 김동욱 (대구가톨릭대학교 대학원) ;
  • 김민수 (대구가톨릭대학교 조경학과)
  • Published : 2000.10.01


This study is conducted to evaluate the effects of root restriction on growth of maple(Acer palmatum Thumb.). Tow types of container such as clay pot(CP), root control bag(RCB) were used to restrict maple's root and each type of container was divided into 5 sizes. The containers with plants were buried just below the soil level and maples planted directly in the soil (nonrestricted root treatment) were included as comparison. Data were collected on dry weight of leaf, trunk, thick root, rootlet and soil water potential. We have analyzed, simple linear regression, Pearson's Correlation analysis, Duncan's multiple rang test, and Covariance Analysis using SAS statistical software. The results of analysis based on these data are as follows; 1. Total dry weight of maple in CP was significantly larger than in RCB. 2. Difference in growth reduction by the kinds of containers was induced by different hydraulic diffusion ratios between container and soil. Difference in growth reduction by the size of container was induced by the difference density of rootlet and soil moisture contents in the container. 4. Commercial products of root control of root control bag appeared not proper for countries in which fluctuation of rainfall is severe. Because maples in RCB were restricted by excess soil water in the rainy season, or by lack of soil water in the dray season.



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