If landscape is formed from quiet identity the place possesses, the problem of landscape in the garden Atlantique face the problem of the identity. Therefore, this study examined the identity of the garden Atlantique in the co-relationship between th garden and landscape. The garden 'Atlantique' was made on a rectangular slate roof at the Montparnasse station in Paris, France in 1994. The garden is bounded on all sides by the buildings of the mixed business and residential area that surround the station. Before the flat slate roof above the platform and parking structure was installed there was no garden. Because the slate roof area was the only area that the garden could be built, it was necessarily restricted in design and seems to have little or no visual relation to its surroundings. As two elements to understand the garden Atlantique, a recognition of esthetic system of landscape around and understanding of physical environment of the site are required. Therefore, this study tried to know how the physical elements of the garden makes the landscape in the relation with the environment and what kind of landscape can be seen in there through the poetics of landscape (une poetique du paysage) and the reculture (la reculture).