Effect of Soil Amendments at Heavy Traffic Area in Golf Course

골프장 답압지역의 토양개량

  • 태현숙 (삼성에버랜드 주식회사 잔디·환경연구소) ;
  • 김용선 (삼성에버랜드 주식회사 잔디·환경연구소) ;
  • 고석구 (삼성에버랜드 주식회사 잔디·환경연구소)
  • Published : 2000.02.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of soil amendments for reducing soil compaction at heavy traffic area in golf course. Major results of this research are summarized at follows: 1. In the Lab. experiment, the porosity was improved significantly when the materials, such as peatmoss, charcoal, and tire chip mixtures were used respectively. Especially mixture of sand and 20% peatmoss showed higher effectiveness (10%) in porosity, comparing with ordinary sand. This soil mixture(sand 80%+peatmoss 20%) was observed the best in water retention, soil hardness and hydrauric conductivity. 2. In the greenhouse experiment, traffic pressure was given 7 times a day on several combination of mixture treatments to see the top dry weight. The soil mixture of 20% peatmoss showed the highest in the top dry weight. When the more traffic pressure(15 time/day) were given on the different treatment, the top dry weight was significantly reduced. However, the mixture of 20% peatmoss also had the least influence on this type of heavy traffic. 3. In the field experiment, the soil amendments were treated in traffic area f golf course, and observed at 30days, 60days, 90days, 120days after treatment. Visual turf quality(color), root length and soil compaction were compared to those of control. As a result, overall treatments with soil amendments were effective, which showed better turf quality and less soil compaction. 4. In the field test, physical characters of soil (such as soil hardness and hydrauric conductivity) in sand+tire chip+peatmoss(60:20:20, %, v/v) treatment was significantly improved. Also in the slow increasing of traffic, the soil compaction was the most effective in reducing soil hardness.



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