조선시대 능역(陵域)의 공간구성특성

The Characteristics of Spatial Organization of the Royal Tomb Area in Chosun Dynasty

  • 발행 : 2000.02.01


This study aims to find out the norms and principles reflected in the spatial organization of royal tombs in the Chosun Dynasty through the modern interpretation of traditional oriental philosophy theory. We examined the characteristics of royal tomb sites including Jeshil(Shrine), Hongjunmun, tomb mound, ponds, and attached buildings employing an analysis of the spatial formation and landscape. This study covered 36 tombs of kings and queens in the Chosun Dynasty. The entire layout of royal tombs, including annexed buildings, was informal in may cases. This was due to following the natural contour rather than adhering to certain philosophical principles. The royal tomb site is divided into three zones. Jeshil and pond constitute a space for living people, visitors. Secondly, the semi-scared space includes the space from Hongjunmun to the entrance to the Chungjaka. The last space is for the dead, from the back of Chungjakak to tomb mound. This is in line with the layout of palaces of the Chosun Dynasty which is characterized by "three gates and three zones": outer yard-court yard- back yard. The size of the space for holding memorial ceremonies, from Hongjunmun to the Chungjakak entrance, was set at 900m until the early Chosun Dynasty. Since that time the distance varied according to the land topography due to the influence of metaphysics. It can be summarized that the spatial organization of royal tombs in the Chosun Dynasty is based on the Confucianism value, the natural contour of the site, and inner spiritual value.ual value.



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  5. 한국의 미술론 박용숙
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  11. 종묘사직 김동욱
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  13. 永寧殿全圖
  14. 조경사 윤국병
  15. 서울六百年史(서울의 陵墓) 은광준
  16. 朝鮮時代 王陵陵城의 建築과 配置形式 硏究 이영
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  18. 朝鮮王朝各種實錄CD판(세종실록, 숙종실록)
  19. 宗廟全圖
  20. 朝鮮의 風水 村山智順;崔吉城(譯)
  21. 地理論叢 no.12 陰宅 風水에 관한 地理學的 解釋 최창조
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  23. 『昌陵誌』,圖 編者未詳(寫年未詳)
  24. 중국고건축·원림감상입문 한동수
  25. 조선시대 상류주택의 체제적 체계에 관한 연구 홍승재
  26. 乾陵誌 彩
  27. 中國墓地史 좌승창