- 박사학위논문, 연세대학교 대학원, 문헌정보학과 피드백 정보를 이용한 불논리 검색 시스템의 성능 증진에 관한 실험적 연구 신은자
- 키워드 색인에 있어서의 한글 색인어의 선정을 위한 연구: 신문기사 색인 및 검색을 위한 시소러스 구성을 중심으로 정영미(외)
- Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.26 no.1 Probabilistic models for automatic indexing Bookstein,A.;D.R.Swanson
- Information Processing & Management v.27 no.5 Cognitive process as a basis for intelligent retrieval systems design Chen,H.;V.Dhar
- IEEE EXPERT, Special Series on Artificial Intelligence in Text-based Information Systems v.8 no.2 Generating, integrating, and activating thesauri for concept-based document retrieval Chen,H.;K.J.Lynch;K.Basu;T.D.Ng
- Communications of the ACM v.37 no.10 Automatic concept classification of text from electronic meetings Chen,H.;P.Hau;R.Orwig;L.Hoopes;J.F.Nunamaker
- Information Processing & Management v.23 no.4 Information retrieval by constrained spreading activation in semantic networks Cohen,P.R.;R.Kjeldsen
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks no.5 An introduction to simulated evolutionary optimization Fogel,D.B.
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Science v.78 no.8 Neural network and physical systems with collective computational abilities Hopfield,J.J
- IEEE Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing Magazine v.4 no.2 An introduction to computing with neural networks Lippmann,R.P.
- Knowledge discovery from historical data· an algorithmic approach(1997.11.4) Lynch,K.J.;H.Chen
- Journal of the ACM v.7 no.3 On relevance, probabilistic indexing and information retrieval Maron.M.E.;J.L.Kuhns
- Machine Learning, An Artificial Intelligence Approach Learning efficient classification procedures and their application to chess end games Quinlan,J.R.;R.S.Michalski(Ed.);J.G.Carbonell(Ed.);T.M Mitchell(Ed.)
- Communications of ACM v.26 no.12 Extended Boolean information retrieval Salton,G.;Edward A. Fox;Harry Wu
- Information Processing & Management v.21 no.6 Principles, procedures and rules in an expert system for information retrieval Shoval,P.
- IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering v.3 no.2 Artificial intelligence: where has it been and where is it going Simon,H.
- Artificial Neural Systems: Foundations, Paradigms, Applications, and Implementations Simpson,P.K.
- Principles of Semantic Network: Explorations in the Representation of Knowledge Eduted Panel: current issues in semantic network Sowa,J.F.;J.F.Sowa(Ed.)
- Journal of Documentation v.28 no.1 A statistical interpretation of term specificity and its application in retrieval Sparck Jones, K.
- Scientific American v.257 no.6 Collective computation in neuronlike circuits Tank,D.W.;J.J.Hopfield
- Artificial Intelligence(2nd ed.) Winston,P.H.
- Journal of Documentation v.37 no.4 The estimation of term relevance weight using relevance feedback Wu,H.;G.Salton.
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