Novel K/Ka Bandpass Filters using LIGA Micromachined Process

  • Park, K. Y. (RFIC Research and Education Center & Mission Technolgy Research Center, Kwangwoon Univ.) ;
  • Park, J. Y. (RFIC Research and Education Center & Mission Technolgy Research Center, Kwangwoon Univ.) ;
  • Choi, H. K. (RFIC Research and Education Center & Mission Technolgy Research Center, Kwangwoon Univ.) ;
  • Lee, J.C. (RFIC Research and Education Center & Mission Technolgy Research Center, Kwangwoon Univ.) ;
  • Lee, B. (RFIC Research and Education Center & Mission Technolgy Research Center, Kwangwoon Univ.) ;
  • Kim, J. H. (RFIC Research and Education Center & Mission Technolgy Research Center, Kwangwoon Univ.) ;
  • Kim, N. Y. (RFIC Research and Education Center & Mission Technolgy Research Center, Kwangwoon Univ.) ;
  • Park, J. Y. (Microsystem and RF team, Materials and Devices Laboratory, LG Electronics Institute of Technology, 16 Woomyeon-dong, Seocho-Ku, Seoul 137-140, Korea.) ;
  • Kim, G. H. (Microsystem and RF team, Marerials and Devices Laboratory, LG Electronics Instulute of Technology) ;
  • Kim, D. W. (Microsystem and RF team, Marerials and Devices Laboratory, LG Electronics Instulute of Technology) ;
  • Bu, J. U. (Microsystem and RF team, Marerials and Devices Laboratory, LG Electronics Instulute of Technology) ;
  • Chung, K. W. (Microsystem and RF team, Marerials and Devices Laboratory, LG Electronics Instulute of Technology)
  • Published : 2000.09.01


New class of three dimensional (3-D) micromachined microwave planar filters at K and Ka-band are presented using LIGA micro-machined process. The K-and Ka-band filters show wide bandpass characteristics of~36% and ~39% with the insertion loss 1.26dB at 19.11GHz and 1.7dB at GHz, respectively. These filters can be applicable in high power MMIC of MIMIC.



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  8. Jmicro Technology Product Information