남자 중.고등학생의 자기이미지와 의복추구이미지에 대한 연구

A study on the Self-Image and Clothing Preference Image of Male Adolescents

  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


The purposes of this study were 1) to classify wearing situation of male adolescents and 2) to classify self-image and CPI(Clothing Preference Image) of male adolescents and 3) to segment consumer group by self-image and to find the differences in self-image and CPI by situation among groups. For the data collection a questionnaire was distributed to male adolescents who were residents in Seoul and Taejeon. The statistics used for the data analysis were factor analysis, multiple dimensional scale, mean, percentage, peason-correlation, cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA, Duncan-test by the SPSSWIN program. The results of this study are as follows: 1) The self-image of male adolecents is categorized by seven factors; sophisticate and fashion conscious, active, practical and realistic, flank and pure, young-looking, feminine, and slender. Based on seven factors, the consumer group is categorized to five groups; practical and realistic Group1, young-looking and feminine Group2, characterless Group3, active Group4, sophisticate and flank Group5. 2) Wearing situations are divided into three categories; in downtown, in urban, at festival. In downtown, CPI are divided into six elements; ornamental, simplex, sexy, feminine, neat, young, and sophisticate. In urban, CPI are divided into five elements; ornamental, simple, sexy, feminine, young-looking, and sophisticate. At festival, CPI are divided into four elements; unique, simple, feminine, and formal. To conclude, the male adolescent consumers are categorized by self-image, and the different CPIs are sought by different wearing situations.



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