한국 토착유기농업의 토양비옥도 증진책의 문제점과 대안

Problems and Solutions of Soil Fertility Enhancement in Korean Organic Farming

  • 손상목 (단국대학교 한국유기농업연구소)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


This paper aims to point out the problems and solutions of soil fertility enhancement in Korean organic farming which does not harmonize with internationally recognized standard of organic agriculture such as Basic Standard of IFOAM, EU regulations, and guidelines of FAO/WHO codex alimentarius. The necessity of rotation, legume, green manure to enhance the soil fertility or organic farming system was discussed, and the reasons why salt accumulation including nitrate and phosphate in the rooted soil profiles was frequently occurred in Korean organic farmer's field also discussed. Soil testing for correct handling of organic fertilization was introduced to void the salt accumulation just applying the huge amount of organic fertilizer year to year to reach a maximum crop yield. In the conclusion it was suggested for Korean organic agriculture to make an effort to coincide it's regulation with internationally recognized standards for organic farming.
