허혈성 심장 질환자를 위한 운동프로그램의 효과

Effects of Exercise Program for Ischemic Heart Disease Patients

  • 노호성 (경희대학교 부설한국체육과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2000.09.01


This study was to examine effects of the eight month exercise program at lactate threshold level intensity on 11 women patients of ischemic heart disease. The %body fat and systolic blood pressure were decreased and the aerobic capacioties of oxygen consumption as well as oxygen consumption at lactate threshold were improved through the exercise program arranged by this study. The lipid variables concerned with coronary heart disease were changed a little except that triglyceride was significantly decreased during the exercise program. The effects obtained from exercise program during four months lasted to the end of the exercise program. In case we control the exercise intensity according to increase of oxygen consumption at lactate threshold the exercise program conducted by this study will be effective to the treatment for ischemic heart disease patients.(Korean J Nutrition 33(6) . 668~674, 2000)



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